Happy 4th of July All, What Two Presidents Died on the Same Day? HISTORY and Divine Appointment


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2021

We stand on the shoulders of giants. We must keep our Constitutional Republic. Our Country's founders valued liberty and freedom above all. They lived under a tyranny and a King. They did not like subjagation any better than we would.

Keep America GREAT and FREE.
I knew the names of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson , both passing-away on July 4th , but I did not know what year , and I had no idea that both of them died in the same year .

I am somewhat certain that public schools no longer teach history , as it happened , but instead , "Interpretive History" is being taught to children .
Thank you for the reminder in history. I did remember that 2 presidents passed on the same.day but did not remember who or when. I agree with DMP 25-06, they're too busy teaching that anatomy doesn't matter which bathroom to go in, to teach actual history in schools nowadays.

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