Elkaholic Hunter
Previously Ian Wargo
My Gunwerks Six suppressor just got out of Jail! Excited to go shoot it, but I was surprised when I threaded it on my rifle that It only went 7 turns before bottoming out (Because the threads start recessed a ways into the adapter nut) . I have a fierce 7 rem mag threaded 1/2 28 so I have a 1/4" of bite on the adapter. Fierce said I should be fine shooting suppressed. One guy at Gunwereks Said I would be fine the other said I need to be careful shooting anything more than 6.5 PRC with 1/2 28 threads. I have a hard time believing 1/2 28 is not enough but I was thinking I'd have more than a 1/4" of purchase... Anyone shooting a supresssed magnum with 1/2 28 or any gunsmiths or machinists that could shed light as to whether I'll be fine. If you have firsthand experience or are an expert in the field please give me your $.02. Bags are packed to go to the range tomorrow but wondering if I need to talk to the companies again first. Thanks