Gun owners OK with banning ARs?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
Clarks Fork Valley, Mt
In discussing the possibility of a ban on ARs, I've been surprised at the number of gun owners who support such a ban.
None of those that do, of course, actually own an AR and they take a "Go ahead and ban them, won't affect me in the least" attitude. Has anyone else encountered such selfish bs?
I don't own one, either, but it seems to me that the AR should be more protected by the Second Amendment than our elk rifles.
We all know that those who want to take away our gun rights won't stop at the AR and it appalls me to find support for such a ban among us.

As far as I'm concerned, supporting a ban on ARs because you don't own one is like supporting a limit on free speech because you don't run a newspaper.
Agreed! Where does it stop? This is where the politicians will BEGIN to chip away at what is left of second amendment. They will not be satisfied until they have shut ALL shooting sports down. It is a very sad country we live in today. Democrats love mass shootings, because it gives them a huge platform to push their anti gun agenda and policies. They try to get as many "on the fence" voters to agree with the BS that spewes from their mouths as they can. Quit frankly, I am disgusted at the "turn coat" gun owners. Go live in Australia, send me a post card, let me know how great it is...and that is coming from someone who lives in CA.
I couldn't agree more.

One bite at a time is how to eat an elephant or slowly erode our rights. The libtards and the rest of the world's leadership would love nothing more then to see a bunch of unarmed sheeple in this country.

We may never see such an event in our lives but by not protecting our rights today, our children certainly will.
In discussing the possibility of a ban on ARs, I've been surprised at the number of gun owners who support such a ban.
None of those that do, of course, actually own an AR and they take a "Go ahead and ban them, won't affect me in the least" attitude. Has anyone else encountered such selfish bs?
I don't own one, either, but it seems to me that the AR should be more protected by the Second Amendment than our elk rifles.
We all know that those who want to take away our gun rights won't stop at the AR and it appalls me to find support for such a ban among us.

As far as I'm concerned, supporting a ban on ARs because you don't own one is like supporting a limit on free speech because you don't run a newspaper.
We call them "Fudds" (think Elmer Fudd). They only care about things they are concerned with, and can't see the forest for all the trees. They're rich old bastards who only care about wing-shooting, and as long as nobody is trying to take their $20,000 Merkel shotguns and their brandy & cigars, they don't really care, because it doesn't concern them or affect their hobby. They don't realize that it's a slippery slope, and that if you allow the Dems to take ANYTHING else away from us, that they won't stop at just AR's or bumpstocks.

Personally, I have quite a few AR-style rifles, and while I don't typically hunt with them (other than coyotes & hogs), they are fun to shoot, and make for an excellent "truck gun" for riding through the woods, and an excellent home protection rifle for around the house.
Havent you guys heard from the news that "THE MOST EFFICIENT KILLING MACHINE EVER" (CNN) is actually pretty awful for home / self defense and hunting?? Who knew?

I'm all for banning them with that logic. I'll be first in line to turn in my ARs. Glad the news is so helpful and honest.
I have an AR-15. I have never hunted with it, and rarely shoot it. The reason for owning it..because i can. It is mind blowing how foolish and uneducated the anti-gun state is. Their motivation has nothing to do with the AR. IT has to do with control and power over us. If they take away our guns they take away our power to resist them or defend ourselves, leaving us completely reliant on the powers to be. That is the ultimate goal. Their arguments of banning guns, or a particular kind of bullet or any other tool is so blatantly wrong and foolish, it amazes me that anyone will even listen. It is just a "foot in the door" and will never stop. Drugs are illegal, yet we have drug problems everywhere in the world. Drinking and driving is illegal, yet people do it every day. The list of things that are illegal, and wrong, yet are used and happen every day, never ends. The Anti-Gun crowd is looking to take power away from those who are good and descent people so that we have no choice but to rely on those who are not (government). And it will never stop if they succeed. You don't ever see a "good" person on the news for something horrible. You also never see the millions of guns that are locked up tight inside a safe and used responsibly out running the streets causing mayhem. It is sick monsters that commit crimes and create problems. Not those of us who love the life we live in a free country and want it to stay that way.
It sure is easy to give up rights you don't exercise.
Exactly! And that's the problem we're facing. To give up anything to the Dems/Libs, is to show weakness. We need to hit back twice as hard. Trump needs to shut down their ban attempt by standing up in front of them and the world by stating "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", and then repeal something horribly infringing like the Hughes Amendment or removing SBR's and suppressors off the NFA registry. That would really send them all catatonic! :D
the attacks are through the federal legislative branch with outright bans.

the attacks are through the state legislatures in trying to get away with whatever nonsense they can in the blue socialist states

the attacks are through the tv and the movies trying to mold the opinions of the easily influenced

the attacks are through the news presenting propaganda as fact

the attacks are through the idiots in the schools, with our kids as captive audiences.

this is a war on all fronts. And when the left realized they were not winning fast enough, they decided to also change the demographics with mass migrations of people with different values and different standards of expectations with how governments do things, just like in Europe
the attacks are through the federal legislative branch with outright bans.

the attacks are through the state legislatures in trying to get away with whatever nonsense they can in the blue socialist states

the attacks are through the tv and the movies trying to mold the opinions of the easily influenced

the attacks are through the news presenting propaganda as fact

the attacks are through the idiots in the schools, with our kids as captive audiences.

this is a war on all fronts. And when the left realized they were not winning fast enough, they decided to also change the demographics with mass migrations of people with different values and different standards of expectations with how governments do things, just like in Europe
Yep, and don't forget to include the turn-coat RINO's, like Lil' Marco and all the others who said they'd support a ban...
The whole premise of banning any gun is infuriating. It won't stop any crime or person wanting to do evil. The only ones that it will hurt are the law abiding citizens. If they take away 1 gun, they will take them all, from the good people who obey the law.
Before long you wont be able to enjoy a steak because it will be illegal to own a sharp steak knife. It is ridiculous!
The whole premise of banning any gun is infuriating. It won't stop any crime or person wanting to do evil. The only ones that it will hurt are the law abiding citizens. If they take away 1 gun, they will take them all, from the good people who obey the law.
Before long you wont be able to enjoy a steak because it will be illegal to own a sharp steak knife. It is ridiculous!

and not just know what the purple haired activists are going to say......

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