Gun builder/gunsmith needed


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2011
New Mexico
Hey guys was wandering if ya'll could throw out some contacts that build some good lr rifles? Have a rem 721 action wanting to rebarrel for 6.5x284norma, new stock, trigger etc. Considered the gunwerks services but havnt heard anything at all about their work. Im sure its great but want to explore some options. Live in new mexico so if i could find a long range builder/smith out west would be great!

Hey guys was wandering if ya'll could throw out some contacts that build some good lr rifles? Have a rem 721 action wanting to rebarrel for 6.5x284norma, new stock, trigger etc. Considered the gunwerks services but havnt heard anything at all about their work. Im sure its great but want to explore some options. Live in new mexico so if i could find a long range builder/smith out west would be great!


There are lots I think JE custom is in Texas thats about the closest to you I can think of. Look under the sponsors section.
If you are willing to mail it contact Kevin Cram at Montour County Rifles. I just picked up a full custom 300 win mag from him and it is top notch! So much so that I left him a Weatherby I have to work on.
Awesome guys!!! Also have some savage rifles as well so ill get with these guys and do some talkin. Also have some savages id like to hot rod so this feed back is great. No smiths down here in these parts so its slim pickins
It was my first as well. There are a lot of great gunsmiths on here who will help. Another one I have not seen the work of but who helped mebabton was Lorenzo Young of Deadly Precision. He is in Utah I believe.
I use a smith in Odessa Tx. he is a benchrest shooter and has rebarreled 2 rifles for me in the past. He is doing a 308 for me right know and it should be ready any day. If you want some contact info let me know.
If you are willing to mail it contact Kevin Cram at Montour County Rifles. I just picked up a full custom 300 win mag from him and it is top notch!
He'll build my next rifle IF he has room for new customer.gun)
Hey guys was wandering if ya'll could throw out some contacts that build some good lr rifles? Have a rem 721 action wanting to rebarrel for 6.5x284norma, new stock, trigger etc. Considered the gunwerks services but havnt heard anything at all about their work. Im sure its great but want to explore some options. Live in new mexico so if i could find a long range builder/smith out west would be great!


Do yourself a great big favor and mail any rifle you want reworked by an expert and send it to Dave Bruno in Dayton, PA: 814-257-8089. He will build to your request. Tell him Derek sent you. Wait time is reasonable as is price and the end results have proven themselves to me at the range and in the field.
I'm gonna throw out another one here.

Len Backus, Long Range Rifles LLC. Right here on this site.

I ordered a 6.5-284, and it was in my hands within 2 weeks of talking with Len about it!! He uses sponsors of the website, so I don't exactly know who built my rifle; but it arrived in short order, and was capable of sub 1/2 moa with the load that Len suggested (I worked up to it with caution as always, but the sweet spot was within 1/2 grn powder and .005-010" OAL of what he suggested).

The rifle looks great IMO, and is just the right balance of lightweight for all around use, and necessary accuracy for shots on big game out to maybe 900 yds. Just my opinion, but if I am going to shoot beyond 900 yds on game, I am wanting a much heavier rifle and a much bigger cartridge. The 6.5-284 with 140 VLD at 3000'/sec. is just the ticket for deer out to 900 and elk out to 700 at my altitudes and IMO.............Broadside proper shot placement of course.

I can shoot the gun 30 rounds a day for 5 days straight and not feel the need at all for a muzzle break. The more we can practice, the better we'll be.

This isn't the first gun I've bought from Len, I took his used 243AI off his hands, and it shoots great. Even with a different load than he suggested, it is plain easy to hit soda cans at 400 yds when fireforming cases from 243 to 243AI.

Here are some 100, 200 and 700 yd groups from the 6.5-284 just a week after getting the rifle. They've been posted before, but once I got pictures everything else was on steel or game.


  • 140VLD 100 yds.jpg
    140VLD 100 yds.jpg
    40.6 KB · Views: 107
  • 140 VLD 200 yds.jpg
    140 VLD 200 yds.jpg
    67.5 KB · Views: 122
  • 700 yd 6.5-284 group.jpg
    700 yd 6.5-284 group.jpg
    61.5 KB · Views: 105
I've used Robert Gradous here in georgia and he is top notch. 5 shots in the same hole at 250 yards out of my 7mm STW. Really nice guy and very knowledgable. Also look up Greg tannel (gretan rifles) he's really good as well.
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