Great deal on a Leupold VX6 3-18x50 CDS. . .others too!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2012
Florida's Nature Coast
I just wanted to post this for others who maybe wanting a quality scope at a reasonable price.

I have been searching for some new glass for my 280AI and my searches have led me in many directions. Recently I came across a company called Universal Mania, Inc. These guys have all sorts of hunting and fishing gear from top name companies at really good prices. I purchased a NIB Leupold VX6 3-18x50mm CDS for $1014.23 and that included shipping! I found this information on-line, called the next morning (2/16/`16) and spoke with a gentleman who took my order and answered my question, now it is Friday 2/19/`16 and about an hour ago The Brown Santa Claus sleigh dropped off a package containing my new Leupold scope! ! ! Pretty **** good service.
Wow! That is a pretty sweet deal.

My 280AI currently has a VX3 3.5-10, and when I upgrade the VX6 is hight on my list. :cool:
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