good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
lightbulbso this is what im thinking..............28 in shilen barrel 1-10 twist with a lilja #7 contour on my 300 wby shooting 165-180 gr any thoughts , im really new to this so i dont want to make a mistake on the barrel.:cool:
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lightbulbso this is what im thinking..............28 in shilen barrel 1-10 twist with a lilja #7 contour on my 300 wby shooting 165-180 gr any thoughts , im really new to this so i dont want to make a mistake on the barrel.:cool:

Sounds perfect !!!!

A 6 1/2 pound barrel should take the meanness out of it and not require a muzzle break.

! in 10 twist is perfect for the 300 Weatherby.

Good luck

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