Good coyote hunting areas in central Nevada?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
I live in the 'Vegas valley and want to hunt coyotes in more central counties of Nevada. I don't want to drive 7 1/2 hours to the Elko area - or even 5 hours to Ely!

Anyone know of decent "coyote country" in this area? Any of you sheep ranchers in central Nevada?;o)

Eric B.
"Eat American lamb. 10,000 coyotes can't be wrong."
I live in the 'Vegas valley and want to hunt coyotes in more central counties of Nevada. I don't want to drive 7 1/2 hours to the Elko area - or even 5 hours to Ely!

Anyone know of decent "coyote country" in this area? Any of you sheep ranchers in central Nevada?;o)

Eric B.
"Eat American lamb. 10,000 coyotes can't be wrong."
Looks like its going to be a big dog year in northern NV. I see 3-5 dogs daily on my drive to work. Seeing several smashed on the road, lots of rabbits too. I'm guessing we'll have more than our share of dogs here this year between Eureka and Spring Creek.
Well that's good news.
I've got an antlerless mule tag for northern NV up against the Idaho border this October.
I'm taking my 6.5 CM Ruger American Predator using 143 gr. Hornady ELD-X rounds so if I see any 'yotes after my hunt I'll take a shot. I will be using my Bushnell ARC 1 Mile laser rangefinder binoculars and a range card taped to my stock. Works well at my local range on silhouette targets which are at odd yardages.

My luck has been skimpy here in the areas near Parumph (Nye County). And the 'yotes are mangy looking.

Eric B.
Well that's good news.
I've got an antlerless mule tag for northern NV up against the Idaho border this October.
I'm taking my 6.5 CM Ruger American Predator using 143 gr. Hornady ELD-X rounds so if I see any 'yotes after my hunt I'll take a shot. I will be using my Bushnell ARC 1 Mile laser rangefinder binoculars and a range card taped to my stock. Works well at my local range on silhouette targets which are at odd yardages.

My luck has been skimpy here in the areas near Parumph (Nye County). And the 'yotes are mangy looking.

Eric B.
Good luck on the hunt and hope the Wildhorse fire didn't burn your area.
Actually that fire ruined about 1/3 of my hunt area! Most of it is off limits for hunting this year. D@MN!

big fires screwed my antlerless mule hunt so I turned in that tag for points toward a tag next year.

Eric B.
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