Gone but not forgotten: Bushnell LRTS


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
Last year I bought a Bushnell Elite LRTS for my 6.5 PRC Browning X-Bolt Pro. For long range hunting here in Nevada it was all I wanted in a scope and more - about 4 ounces more at 30 oz. for the illuminated model.
The scope magnification is 4.5 - 18 x 44, FFP, mil/mil turrets & reticle. The reticle is an illuminated G3 small "Xmas tree" reticle great for windage holds W/O fiddling with the turret. It was also available in FDE color W/O illumination. More of these can be found at many retailers. The illuminated version is now scarce.

That G3 illuminated reticle is perfect. Compared to my competition H59 large Xmas tree reticle it is simple and uncluttered yet has enough windage holds for ethical big game shots. The red illumination lights up ALL of the reticle, not just a little center dot as with most other hunting scopes. That is a big help when hunting deer who typically like to forage in shade to avoid the heat of the sun. The lighted red reticle makes it so easy to see in various light backgrounds with 11 brightness settings to match the needed illumination. And on very overcast days it is a necessity you never thought you needed - until you tried it.

But Bushnell, in their marketing wisdom, has seen fit to drop the LRTS from their line. The LRTS was the upgraded replacement for the similar LRHS, a very good long range scope as well.
PLEASE Bushnell, give us back this high quality scope and NOT in a Chinese-made FORGE model. Make it a bit lighter and a bit shorter if possible.
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I have an LRHS and honestly for the price and features it's a great scope. Would like some different reticle options but you can't win em all haha.
I hope they never drop the DMR or XRS series. That would be a nail in the coffin. LRTS/LRHS had a better fit and feel than the newer scopes.
The LRHS/LRTS were the best long range hunting scopes ever made for the price. Were they perfect...no...that would go close to the Tangent Thetha 315TH...but they were not $3700 either. For 1,000 bucks they could not be beat. I tried the the Vortex LHT offering....it was not quite the quality of the LRHS...I have been courting Maven to try to take their RS1 and put a better turret system on it and maybe their RS3 and a better turret with capped windage and zerostop...both are excellent...and would make excellent scopes for that purpose.

Think of this with a LRHS style turret with a zero stop...about perfect
I was lucky enough to get one of the 3-12 LRTSi from CameraLandNY last year, will be hunting with it for the first time this fall. Only downside I can think of in my time with it so far is that the windage turret is large enough that it is in the brass ejection path of my X-Bolt when mounted low in Talley lightweights. Other than that minor detail I agree this is a nearly perfect hunting scope!
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