If you check out SavageShooters.com, you will find most of the guys there who use a case will size it before using it as headspace gauge. If you use one that was fired in your old barrel it may not chamber in your new barrel. What I like to use when I don't have/can't get the headspace gauges is a piece of new brass of the brand that I intend to use. If you use a piece of the brass you currently have, I would resize the brass before using it as a gauge. You can place two layers of scotch tape on the base of the piece you use to headspace with to turn it into a no-go gauge. The bolt should close easily without the tape, should not close with the tape. By using a piece of sized brass, you know that with your current die settings the brass will have minimal setback each time you size it so you don't over size or over work your brass.
Once you get the rifle set up, measure a case before and after firing it to see how much the case grows at the shoulder. You are looking for about .002" difference.
Make sure you get the brass seated in the bolt face when you set the headspace.