Out of my ruger 300 win mag these are the best that I have loaded for. Less than .5 in five shot group at 100 off bipod and nothing else. Also have shot through a black jack tree the size of a baseball bat and killed the deer. With the bullet holding up after all that. It expanded twice its size. The one thing that I did not like with them was that it would dump every thing in the chest cavity on the ground, just little or no blood trail. Deer would go no farther than 100 yards, just was hard to follow with no blood. Oh the tree thing was the result of a hurried shot after finding out I did not chamber a round when I got in the woods. One other thing was that the ribs on the deer shot with this bullet would have to off side ribs broke next to the spine. Lots of force and that was not a hot load out of my rifle.