Game Eye -you got it ?

I had a hard time seeing deer when I was younger. The guys that took me out got a little frustrated with me to say the least. Then I got glasses! Worked out great. Should of had them years sooner.
The old forum had a reviewed product that allowed two people to find the same item. I don't recall the product, but I think that the review was positive.

I am usually very good at spotting game. Especially with a spotting scope, thanks to the Army. But my 9(then 8) year old daughter showed me up last fall. We were in the back yard watching the daily heard of up to 12 doe and one small buck. They were 400yds across the pasture on a small incline, in a small orchard. Yes, my wife thinks it's funny how I'll drive for hours and sit for days for nothing when there are deer in our back yard dailey. Or how I'll sit out there and "shoot them" without any bullets. Women!? Anyways, Paige(daughter) and I were watching deer. Her with 10X binos and me with a 16X rifle scope. I had done looked them over, and over,and over(there has been a great big old buck seen a few times). Paige says excitedly "Theres a buck daddy!" I looked them over and said "I don't think so honey." She kept insisting there was one there. I kept looking but no rack. I finally just agreed with her. After about 20 minutes of just sitting back watching them feed I seen a large deer, rack and all, run out into the feild and chase a doe back into the woods. I think he had been standing in the tree line the whole time. She asked why I didn't shoot him, I told her he wasn't big enough...she didn't buy into that!
I am usually very good at spotting game. Especially with a spotting scope, thanks to the Army. But my 9(then 8) year old daughter showed me up last fall. We were in the back yard watching the daily heard of up to 12 doe and one small buck. They were 400yds across the pasture on a small incline, in a small orchard. Yes, my wife thinks it's funny how I'll drive for hours and sit for days for nothing when there are deer in our back yard dailey. Or how I'll sit out there and "shoot them" without any bullets. Women!? Anyways, Paige(daughter) and I were watching deer. Her with 10X binos and me with a 16X rifle scope. I had done looked them over, and over,and over(there has been a great big old buck seen a few times). Paige says excitedly "Theres a buck daddy!" I looked them over and said "I don't think so honey." She kept insisting there was one there. I kept looking but no rack. I finally just agreed with her. After about 20 minutes of just sitting back watching them feed I seen a large deer, rack and all, run out into the feild and chase a doe back into the woods. I think he had been standing in the tree line the whole time. She asked why I didn't shoot him, I told her he wasn't big enough...she didn't buy into that!
I was with my good friend when he killed his first deer a couple of years ago after 20 some odd years of hunting. We jumped up a doe in some tall CRP grass and she went over a rise. We eased over the rise and I immediately spotted her standing in the grass at about 300 yds. My buddy couldn't see her for anything so I finally had him shoulder his rifle and look through the scope and I looked over his shoulder and lined up the rifle on her. He finally found her and shot just under her with the rifle rested over my shoulder bwana style. She ran over another hill and we worked our way over there again. He was tromping through the grass like a bull in a china shop and I had to keep telling him to slow down, the deer isn't going to leave the cover. We eased over the next rise and there she stood facing us at 100 yds. Again he couldn't see her at all. I had him shoulder the rifle again and lined it up for him. He again rested on my shoulder with my ears plugged and nailed her square. I don't know who was more excited, him or me.

I have another good hunting buddy who works for the county road department and is outside all year round. He can spot game better than I can. He sure is handy to have along on western hunts.
My favorite hunting buddy is stone cold color blind. He usualy spots game first...especialy coyotes and turkeys! He is looking for movement and things out of place and I've found myself relying on color too much?
The scary part is he cant see blaze orange at all :eek: We make a good spotting team, he finds the game and I tell him when other hunters are in the area:D

Some of the best spotters/trackers in africa belong to some pigmy tribe that are all congenitally color blind. The medical explanation for it, is that color blind people have much more contrast in their visual picture. Kinda a cool little piece of trivia.

As for the game eye thing, I think 90% of it is just practice (where there is no visual problems) I was brought up on the trap line and hunting and fishing so I can spot game pretty darned well. When I first started dating my girlfreind she had "never seen an elk", not cause she hadn't been in their vicinity, but because she had never known what to look for. After running around in the woods with me for the last four years, and me pointing animals out to her and telling her what tipped me off to look closer, now she ends up pointing out animals to me quite a bit. Which she really gets excited about.
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