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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
G19 has left me bad feedback from brass I had sold him. I will say he is ONLY HERE to sell stuff. Look up his post. Not a SINGLE post he has ever contributed to the forum. Only sells stuff.

Now to the sale. Here is the post of stuff I had sold. https://www.longrangehunting.com/threads/brass-for-sale.370656/#post-3221410

If you look it states tht the brass was range pick ups I could not guarantee its history. I sold this brass at 1/2 the usual price I normally do. I feel the buyer would get way more than he would normally would at my normal price I sell at. It was stated in the post as such as it was range brass. And I ALWAYS throw in more than the listed post shows.

As my post stated shipping was extra. But he did not want to pay for the shipping when I went to the PO. He wanted to use his account to pay for the shipping. I told him no and stated to amount it was going to cost. I did not hear back from him for a week. And the funds showed up MINUS the shipping.

Here is the post I sent him with what it would cost AFTER I what shipping would be.

"Everything fits in a large flat rate box.

There are 950pcs of 308W @ $0.10ea. 917pcs of 300blk. The total is $215 + $26 shipping. So $241 total

You can send the funds to the following.

Thanks again, Tom"

He then waits over a week before he send payment.

And when it gets here there was not payment for the shipping. The he says I agreed that he would pay the shipping by me printing out the qr code he sent. Well my phone is very old and would not show the code. I had to go to a neighbors to get it printed as I don't own a printer to print it.

I sent it out and did not hear from him when after it arrived. I sent an PM to find out it arrived ok. He then sends a PM saying it had not arrived when tracking showed it had.

I don't think I had poor compunction one bit. I PM'ed at every step. Then he gets mad as I left him a Neutral feed back as his communication was poor. And he did not do as I wanted for the sale.

So buyer beware. He is only here to sell.
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