G seven/ nightforce


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
Southeast Idaho
I am looking for shooters who have the GSEVEN by Nightforce and their opinions and experinces with this scope.
Custom Turret?
G Seven service?

I am considering purchasing one and would like your feedback.
It is a Nightforce what else is their to say?
In all seriousness I have had mine for only 2 months.
Have not got the turrent ordered yet but that is of no concern to me. Arron Davidson is a type A personality he will not send anything out that he does not think is ready for prime time.
The only difference between the G7 and a regular Nightforce is that new reticle which I really like.
As far as customer service goes I hope I never find out. I have never had to send a Zeiss or Huskymaw back for service. I can tell you first hand Leopold has great customer service.:)
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