? for Ruger Guide Gun owners

Varmint Hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Long Island, New York
I've got a new Ruger Guide Gun in 375 Ruger. Using the Stoney Point OAL gauge with the bullet comparator I checked the 260gr Partition bullet for max length to the rifling. I get 2.883" to just touch the rifling.

I started to load some ammo setting the bullet seater so that the case mouth was at the cannalure. I did this because eventually I expect to crimp the bullets for field use.
Surprisingly enough, my cartridge length, measured using the bullet comparator, was 2.883" give or take a .001th or two. Huh? This would put my field loaded ammo with the bullet touching the rifling. I can easily set the bullet lower but then will not be able to crimp bullets which is desirable for this gun/cartridge combo.
I did check the brass length to ensure that there was no problem there and it was only .004" longer than the MINIMUM length listed in the manual.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?
my brother's #1 in 300h@h is short throated also... If you find that you need a few thou. more wiggle room to get the bullet off the lands a bit and still crimp simply trim your cases a bit short to compensate. You likely won't need to go over another ten thou. short or so to get this done.
my brother's #1 in 300h@h is short throated also... If you find that you need a few thou. more wiggle room to get the bullet off the lands a bit and still crimp simply trim your cases a bit short to compensate. You likely won't need to go over another ten thou. short or so to get this done.

I thought of that too but it shouldn't be necessary. I was wondering if the cannalure was in the wrong place or maybe the barrel had an extremely short throat for a factory rifle.
I'd be curious to know if there is factory ammo using the 260gr NPT and what its length is.
I did try a few 300 NPTs and there isn't a problem with these bullets. The ojive is visibly different. Hmmm
I've seen the cannelure walk up and down a bit between bullet lots before. Some of my 300win ammo with hdy bullets has the cannelure a bit below the mouth of the case with some lots of bullets for example.
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