Well-Known Member
So I decided a few months ago that 2012 would be my year to finally venture into handloading. Been sold on the idea for years, but since I live in a tiny apt I've been limited to studying up on the subject. I'm still here till the summer, but all the reading got me itchy and I decided to pick up some case prep equipment to start processing the spent store bought stuff I've been collecting to save on my start up costs. I guess I got a little excited and what I thought was a great deal on a set of dies, was one of the Lee loader kits instead. In my defense, it was in a taped up box in the clearance section, but I should have been paying more attention anyway. I had previously dismissed the idea of using one of these (mostly because I'm not sure how long it will take me to get comfortable with smacking a live cartridge with a hammer), so I haven't bothered to read up on this method. Since I can't return it, I'm wondering if any of yall out there have any experience with this. It seems like something I'll stick in a drawer and never use since I would prefer to use the press. Am I right to think this or is it something that would be worthwhile to hang on to? It's for a 45 acp so it doesn't exactly have to thread needles and it wasn't very expensive so I don't really need to recoop the money, but if it produces poor quality I won't want mess with it. Any thoughts?
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