First Long Range Build!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Southern Ontario
So i have been trying to figure out which route to go with for months now and been tossing up different ideas here and there. Finally i figured out what i wanted. My birthday just past last week and i decided for my birthday im going to get things rolling. I spoke with the gun smith and when he returns from his vacation he will officially place the order and get things rolling. It will be a Stiller Tac 300 chambered for a 300. win mag, broughton barrel 26-28" #5 contour, McMillan A3 stock 60% black, 20 % OD, 20 % light tan, and a timney trigger. It will be topped off with a Nightforce 5.5-22x50mm which actually came in 2 days ago. What a beautiful scope, now i cant wait for everything to be put together!

You will love the scope. I have one and have it temporarily mounted on a 22-250 while waiting on my LR build to arrive. I've been shooting further than I thought possible with a 22-250. Nothing like good optics!

Congrats on your build, sounds like a great choice.

And just think- if you would have made up your mind months ago the parts could have been ordered and you would only have about 6 more months to a year of wait!:D

Just kidding, sounds like a nice rig.
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