Finally, I can hunt again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2009
Heflin, AL
I'm taking up a form of long range hunting. I'll be glassing the numerous cut overs that are found here in the National Forest. I haven't hunted seriously in years. Reason? I lost my hearing in my left ear. When you hunt in the East, most shots are close in and your sense of hearing is crucial to success. You're so close to the game that movement = failure. But once I became single sided deaf, everything sounds like it's coming from the right. Bummer.

I've been sight hunting squirrels (once the leaves are off) for a while now but never thought about doing that for deer. I don't know if I'll be successful but I'm going to give it a go.

I have a Steyr SSG 69 P1 in .308 (1/12 twist) with a USO ST-10 and currently feel comfortable taking shots out to 350 yards. I'm planning on stretching my legs out to 550 before hunting season. I also have a Bushnell 1500 LRF, a pair of 7x50 Russian binos and a Kowa 603 ED on the way.

I've never glassed for game before, so I'm open to suggestions. Cut overs that are 2-3 years old almost always hold deer at some time of the day but they have the advantage of being able to see threats from a long way off and either sit tight and escape unseen.

Also, I'd like to know what bullet will make a great game getter. I've heard great things about the Berger bullets on game and it would make a great match bullet as well but I really don't know.

I realize this is open ended but all input is welcome.


Deaf?? Lost mine at 19 years of age from firing 105MM Arty rounds but recent technology has discovered HEARING AIDS!! Work like a champ; I can hear crickets crawling in the grass!!

Unless you have an impairment that's unusual for loss of might pay you to try a set!!:Dlightbulb
Deaf?? Lost mine at 19 years of age from firing 105MM Arty rounds but recent technology has discovered HEARING AIDS!! Work like a champ; I can hear crickets crawling in the grass!!

Unless you have an impairment that's unusual for loss of might pay you to try a set!!:Dlightbulb

Yeah but I'm not a hearing aid candidate. Lost my hearing form a virus. I have all the working parts but no auditory nerve.

I'm single side deaf. I do okay in most situations but in the woods, everything sounds like it's coming from the right. I sight hunt for squirrel when the leaves are off so I'm going to expand it for deer. I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

Thanks for the advice though.


berger 168

I'll give the Berger's a shot.
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