Took my Savage 220 out over the weekend and shot at various ranges. I have had great groups with 2 3/4 rem accutips. I sighted the gun in to shoot 2" high at 100yds. Then shot at 150yds. I was hitting the bottom of the bull about 1/2" at most low. I was very happy. Then I put the target out I thought was 200yds but when I rangefinded it it turned out to be 185 yds. So I thought I would shoot. I shot 4 times and they averaged about 9" low. Great left and right just low. I was surprised I thought it would only be about 5-6" low. I found out though that if I get a shot over 165yds I will be aiming high on the deer. And off the back at 200yds. Has anyone else tried shooting theirs over150 yds?