Favorite Deer Rifle

I have always wanted one those cz in 762x39
When others talk about youth rifles, I bought this, and a Ruger M77 compact in 6.8 spc. To very good calibers in lightweight rifles that dont recoil. My oldest no longer hunts, but going on 4 years now with my soon to be 15 year old daughter, and she uses a 6.5 cm. Love that CZ for some reason.
When I graduated high school my dad gave me a rem 700 sps tactical in .308. I modified and altered the heck out of it, and eventually shot the barrel out. I had it bored to .375, and built a .375/.308 (or 375 jaguar). It's bizarre and cool and has history that means a lot to me. I haven't killed anything with it yet, but it's certainly my favorite rifle.