Factory load questions? Gunwerks

North Idaho Hunter

Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Nov 14, 2013
First off, this may sound confusing so bare with me!lightbulb

I recently watched a few videos of Extreme outer limits, as well as gunwerks.

EOL prides themselves on HSM ammunition. As does gunwerks w/their own factory loads.

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea, that every gun that M.O.A rifles inc, and gunwerks use - the factory loads used provide such great results?!

Example: In my own personal experience; berger has a very extensive procedure on how to get your rifle to shoot their bullets well. (took me over 30 shots just to find a good load out of my 300 WM)

But when you take HSM or Gunwerks factory ammo, that has the same C.O.A.L, primer & same powder - - - they shoot well in all these guns?????

I reload extensively, sometimes having to try 2 to 3 different powders before my gun gets under MOA.

I just dont understand how one single bullet, COAL, primer, & powder can work so well in all their guns?

If it was that simple i wouldnt bother reloading!
Beats me!!!
But i have found some factory ammo like Fed gold medal match has shot acceptable in alot of 30-06's i have tried. Acceptable is the key word here. They shot into one hole in some , and .75" in others. They shot ok but could have been tweeked in some rifles to shoot better.
my experience reloading is that the .222, 6ppc, 308 and 300 win mag ( in that order) are vey forgiving to load for. is your 300 wm from one of the sponsors on here?
I imagine that they chamber their rifles to the same specs and have the ammo loaded to specs that have worked well with their chamberings.
I just have a plain jane factory browning 300 WM. nothing special. I just found it confusing how load development is next to zero for these rifles, when finding a load for my rifles hasn't been so easy!
North Idaho- having done it with many factory rifles over the years. lot of blood sweat and tears. i understand.
I dont mind doing a little extra work with load development, it can actually be fun! I just always had that question when i watch those shows.

Shooting animals at 1000+ yards with factory ammo - it sounds weird considering how thought out and how much work is put into shooting ELR.

Thinking out loud here, maybe its from the fact these rifles are so meticulously put together, like the poster said above, everything is hand crafted instead of on an assembly line.
the 300 wm is a great round. in a 1000 yard match my son and my son-inlaw shot 15 shot groups you could cover with a sheet of notebook paper. 2 different factory 300 win mags. the exact same load.
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