Extended range range finders


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2008
What does everyone recommend for a range finder that will go out to 2,400-2500 yds? A gun that shoots that far is not of much use without accurate range info.:)
I've got an old beat up Wild that does OK for rangeing but needs a vertical reference point to be very effective. It is only 11x but the glass is first rate and only reads in meters. Rangeing something at 2200 meters is a whole lot easier than hiting it though and the Wild aint a pocket tool :D


I was hoping for something that would be somehwat portable to take out in the field. And is there a outlet or used ones for the vectronics or the leica IV or MRF2000's they look to be what I am looking for.
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I was hoping for something that would be somehwat portable to take out in the field. And is there a outlet or used ones for the vectronics or the leica IV or MRF2000's they look to be what I am looking for.

I have been researching long range---range finders as well. Im considering the Vectronix unit. It's $3,500 and you can order it here in the states (VA) I think. You can google Vectronix for the info. Let me know what you end up buying. I'd like to hear how it works out for you in the field.

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