Get an idea of velocity and enter it in the exbal program. Sight in at where you want your zero lets say 100. Then shoot a group at 700 yards using the recommended elevation. Measure the distance high or low of the center of your group at seven hundred. Then go to " Tradjectory Validation" and input this info. and hit apply. The program will adjust your muzzle velocity to match your 700 yard point of impact. Then test it at a few other distances to see if it is on. I find that it is better to be off 1 moa or so at 300 than to be off 1 moa at 1000. So consentrate on the higher distances.
Jeff gun)gun)
Yes, the pda version of the NF program is what I use. A few across a chrony to average will get you close. I would only use 3 to 5 then average. Then do the tradjectory validation. 700 is a good number to start. Then I check it at 1000. Like I said above if it is not on dead nuts I feel it is better to be off a small amount at the clser distances the a larger amount at the long shots. You can also play with the bullet BC to try to fine tune to your program.