Environmental Group is Buying Hunting Permits

That stuff has been going on for a while, but not to this level. Hunted black bear in Minnesota some years ago and there were people putting in for tags and not hunting when they were drawn. Minn. G&F knew about it and was taking steps to stop it.
That stuff has been going on for a while, but not to this level. Hunted black bear in Minnesota some years ago and there were people putting in for tags and not hunting when they were drawn. Minn. G&F knew about it and was taking steps to stop it.
They have been doing that all over for years. The worst part is it messes with the hunt statistics and than allows for more or less tags than should be actually allotted.
They should force them to live right in the middle of that area. 😡
That way they can deal with the problem they are going to create, see how many will end up being bear food

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