Ejected brass hitting turret


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2009
I've got a Weatherby Vanguard S2 300 wby. With a Nikon monarch 3-12 on top. Talley one piece medium rings. The brass kicks out and hits the edge of the windage turret most of the time. Is there any way this can be fixed? New scope? Change the angle of ejection? Should I call Weatherby?
Put a piece of thin adhesive foam on the turret and call it good? :D

Seriously, I suspect it's a combination of factors setting up this problem and that there is no easy "fix" for it. Taller rings or a different scope might help... or you live with it. Just my observation.
Man if the brass gets out and does not jamb the rifle who cares. If it's that irritating take the turret off and use the standard adjuster if possible. I'm going to remove the windage turret on my Leupold because it hits my wrist when I hand carry the rifle and replace it with the stock unit.
The brass bounces right back into the magazine well. So it doesn't ejected out of the way of the next case.
Not much you can do to the rifle, so you'll have to decide on what fix you want to do with the turret or entire scope/mount setup. It's that or make sure your first shot is dead on and you don't have to take a quick second shot and get jammed up. I don't believe I've heard of your particular problem before.
I had a Rem 700 LH long action w/sako extractor, the scope was a loupy LR w/ side parrallex. Its been a while and rifle was sold but the cure was higher rings and tweaking the rifle scope in or out. I was never totally satisfied with that setup so I sold it.
Sent it to Weatherby... they said they would fix it. I'll let you know when I get it back.
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