The first few pillars that I installed I did the same thing, (Ground down a bit to make a pilot the size
of the original hole) and it worked ok. then I ground the cutting edge flat like a wood bit and that worked even better.
As long as I started the bit from both sides, it worked ok and didn't chip out the wood around the hole.
The reason I went with a piloted bit was that the existing holes were never the same from rifle to rifle. so with the piloted bit, I simply change the pilot to the proper size and it cuts true.
Over the years I have come to realize that if I use the proper tool for the job, the outcome is always better. I make a lot of my own tools, but sometimes I go ahead and buy them if I am going to need
it more than once.
PS: I also bought a larger piloted bit so that after I bedded the pillar, I could cut the pillar to the exact length and position the action and the floor metal exactly where I wanted them in the stock.
Just a few helpful hints/tricks for the guys that like to do there own pillar bedding.