For my 6.5x284 using Lapua brass. My new brass measures 1.815 to shoulder. After fire forming multiple times it measures 1.818 I use a Forester full length die with the rod removed. Then a Lee collet neck die. Never had any problems. I just shot some new 1x fired brass. 25 total, I checked 4 of them and they all measured 1.818 so I resized some more. When certifying they were correct to my surprise they were not. Some were 1.8155 down to 1.8130 ? So I checked some that I didn't resize yet and they also were below 1.816 already. So I stripped my bolt and tried to chamber them . Won't close so I thought I had to resize them. I read somewhere today that you can resize without bumping the shoulder? And that new brass sometimes takes several fire forming before it grows enough to bump shoulders back? If this is true do you back your die off so there is no shoulder bump but it will still resize the case? Last question can I still use the brass that has excessive shoulder bump and just re fire form it?