Dialed in my Hawken


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
I bought some Bridgers Best patches the other week and wanted to give them a try in my Traditions St.Louis Hawken .54cal. I was shooting from 60 yards and used 80gr gearhart-owen 2fg, .015" patch lubed with bear paws patch lube and home cast .530" round balls. 5 shots total and i am pretty pleased! I was aiming 6 O'clock on the bullseye, so 3 - 3 3 1/2" high puts me dead on at 100 yards.

Do you have rough weight on "your balls"? I know but couldn't resist. What is your twist? I have a Hawkens .54 with 1:48 and really doesn't seem to do as well as yours.
1:48 twist. No, never saw the need to weigh them. I cast them myself and have a consistent routine i follow and never had any issues.

As far as accuracy, I bed the barrel channel, tang and trigger assembly for a rock solid fit.

I'll be taking it out to 100 yards later this evening and we'll see how the thinner patches group. I normally use a .020" patch.
Nothing wrong with that for groups. You should be ready to take it hunting. Have a great time.
That thing is so pretty I would be scared to take it hunting! LOL. I call that a nice 5 shot group right there. I built a TC Hawken with parts of the internet. Friend of mine gave me the barreled action and I sourced the parts from there. I'm using Pyrodex P for ignition on those bitter cold damp days. deer.
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