devcon curing time


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
Hey all

I bedded my rifle last night.i have read some say you only need 10 hours while others have said 48 and the directions on the tube say 24. When should I break her free? I am currently at the 12th mark. Thanks.
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I usually break mine free before a 24 hour set time. I think you thinking of the complete cure time which the box says 24 hours. Matt
I usually break mine free before a 24 hour set time. I think you thinking of the complete cure time which the box says 24 hours. Matt

That is what I was thinking. I wasn't sure if I should break her loose before the 24 hrs or not
I always apply it and set the barreled action in the evening then break it out in the morning. Then I will cut and clean up any excess parts and let the empty stock sit by itself for 24-48 hours before installing the action again and shooting. This ensures a FULL cure through any of the thicker areas of puddy.
It's ok and looks good. Thanks guys!

I always apply it and set the barreled action in the evening then break it out in the morning. Then I will cut and clean up any excess parts and let the empty stock sit by itself for 24-48 hours before installing the action again and shooting. This ensures a FULL cure through any of the thicker areas of puddy.
Yep, +1.
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