Defensive Edge Long Range Shooting Class - Join Len

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
I decided it is finally time for me to get some formal shooting instruction. gun)

I'll be attending LRH Sponsor Shawn Carlock's Defensive Edge Long Range Shooting Class. This one will be the combo Beginner/Advanced, 4 day class in late July.

He sold out his classes earlier than normal this year so he added this one last set of dates. July 26 to 29.

As a result of the late addition, he has 2 spots left.

Hope to see you there!

This particular class is based from a deluxe tent camp up in the Idaho mountains. This gives shooters maximum time in the field learning to shoot in the mountain winds. That one fact is the main reason I am finally going to shooting school. Kind of hard to learn to shoot in the mountains when you live in the midwest.
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