Deaf bears and no berries


Active Member
Jun 10, 2011
Olympia, Washington
Got out this weekend for my first offical hunt of the year. Made some noise with my new Foxpro electric caller but no meat eaters arrived. hunted near granite falls, washington. boy no ripe berries and have of the vines still had blossoms. guess i will have to wait till the end of the month for bears. will keep hitting it. several guys on hunt washington have posted bears down.
What kind of noise are you making? Over here on the stepchild side of the state we're waiting for some of the better areas to open. Did the drive over thing years ago, but really make better use of time over here.
I haven't read the dates , but I know it's close, one of the guys we took as a kid stopped in on his annual borrow the .375 visits.
Good luck with the calling, it's about the only way I haven't killed a black bear, but I keep trying.
I have had the best luck calling them when you can actually see them. It is amazing how they react. Some come on in slow, some faster and others turn and run.

Sounds like you have a good idea and call around their food sources.

Have learned to call more for bears to keep the interest up. No expert by any means.... Seems like they are like Mtn. lions and cats that way, can almost not over-call to them.
Generally if the berries are on in the alpine like as not I'll just snipe them. We have a lot of jungle here in Washington seeing stuff first is a little challenging at times. When the berries are on good it's tough to pull bears off naturals even to a bait set.
It's also true I get distracted, deer season opens, draw a tag elsewhere, get sidelined with an injury, kids activities etc.. Kids are grown and more time to myself get a little more serious each year.
One of my target areas this year is kind of a transition zone between a campground that usually has issues, and a mountain with good berries. Time it after the campers are gone for the year, and the berries are done.
I'll probably add a decoy this year.
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