Darrell Holland's ART reticle


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2002
Northern Michigan
Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Here is a link.

Anyone ever seen this?

Ranging in mills and doping in moa? Does anyone find this easier? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

This is a quote out of there brochure they handed out at the SCI show.

"Advanced Reticle Technology takes the guesswork out of long-range shooting." Any of you guys "guess"? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I may understand more if I can get around to watching the DVD. Although it will take a lot to make me a believer. Who knows maybe this is a better mousetrap.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

I believe too many folk get HUNG UP on this. And amongst the worse are the inventors of SPECIAL reticles.

I'm not saying they're dopes - but when they find something that works for them they seem to assume it is the mutts nuts and get all umpty when nobody wants to play.

The simple fact is that SIMPLE is better. The important factor imo is that you find something you dont need to think with. For me that has proven to be Miliradians.

I now live and work in a metric environment. Is this a factor? - I dont know. But I dont even thing in terms of distance anymore - I think % of angular displacement - i.e 1/3 miliradian etc. my $.02
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Chris in Madrid,
Now how is anyone going to sell their new wiz bangs with that "if it ain't broke…" attitude? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Does ranging with an MOA reticle instead of Mils make sense… well, it saves you one calculation. A little homework and a ballistics program make it a mute point, and I wouldn't spend the extra pesetas on one.

Chris, I spent my high school years in Southern Spain (Costa Del Sol). That was from 1976 to 1980, when Spain was still a little backwards. It seems like just another expensive destination no that they've entered the European Union.

Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

I think it's dumb enough already to mix Mil reticles with MOA turrets...stick both systems into the same reticle? I'll pass, thanks. Numbers don't scare me so I can manage with most anything OK, but if left to me I'd chose either MOA reticle with MOA turrets or Mil reticle with Mil turrets before any combination of the two. A reticle that used both would be last on the list.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

I have, one and it is less confusing (mil/MOA)in use that it may appear.
I rarely mil range, but I like the capability for shots under 500 yards (more likley under 400 yds). When using is for shooting everything is in MOA. My internal adjustment is MOA also. Except for me making a foolish drop chart of my own, on one occassion (the way I printed it out) it has been the easiest reticle I have ever used.
Since it lists the MOA to the left of the reticle inside the scope (x-hair going down), the confusion of counting dashes and or dots is not there.
I have had Leupold's TMR and both of burris's reticles and I like the ART better hands down.
I intend to get another one
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Does ranging with an MOA reticle instead of Mils make sense… well, it saves you one calculation.

[/ QUOTE ]TAC - may save you one - It adds one for me. Mil reticles - mil clicks - so easy.

Make no bones - Spain still is a bit backward in ESPAÑA PROFUNDA - at the moment the stuff on the news sounds closer to "Deliverance" - well except for banjo playing Albinos.

Still cheap here as long as you stay WELL away from the coast.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Whatever floats your boat I guess.....For me the MP-8 in the IOR works and is on every long range rig I own.Right wrong or otherwise it works for me and that what matters!!!
The biggest thing is to use one system,know it well and use it to its fullest.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Well the DVD was a good laugh. They make dialing sound so difficult. I'm getting the impression that they are marketing this for people shooting out to 500 yards. There was never any mention of changing drop charts for different conditions or even field verification. This may be commons sense but to someone just begining it may not be so clear.

Ernie, I'm glad you like yours, the numbered hashes are nice. I find dialing easy and I don't use the reticle hashes (NPR2) very often, mostly stuff between 0 - 6 MOA.

Oh and I see Berger is on board with them.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Yes, I saw the DVD about twoo weeks ago. I even emailed Darrell after I saw it, and mentioned that it was basic, and he didn't even deal with how the reticle can be used for wind. He responded and told me it was intentionally basic to give newcomers to the sport a basic view, which to me makes sense. He also said he re-evaluates his products from time to time and he welcomes hearing the pros and cons of it. He said when someone contacts him and in interested in the reticle he gives them more information. Since a software package Sierra's and his own software comes with the reticle, he doesn't subscribe to the doctrine of one setting/drop chart for all temps/altitudes/BP's, etc.

As far as dialing being difficult, I used to be intimidated with it and was far more comfortable with reticle use for quite a few years. If I would have had a reticle back then in 1.5 MOA increments, I may not have switched. I now dial confidently, but it didn't use to be that way.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

For the price he is asking for it I would get the new NF reticle with MOA hash marks. It just seems eaiser and less confusing.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

Still cheap here as long as you stay WELL away from the coast.

[/ QUOTE ] - You bet ¡¡¡

I would not criticize the Holland reticle more than any of the very common scopes with mil. reticles ( mil dot, TMR and others)and MOA adjustments.- so that reticle just follows the same path.

Now my opinion has always been to use a homogeneous system: mil reticle/mil adjustment, or MOA/MOa.-mixing just makes it more difficult.

I am used to ranging in meters, using mils. becomes much easier and even with the 1/10 mil. adjustments in my scopes I can fulfill my curiosity and easily figure how much elevation the bullet is getting when making an adjustment (i.e. 25 "clicks" at 500 m.-is the same as 25 cm. high at 100, or 125 at 500).-
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

I would not criticize the Holland reticle more than any of the very common scopes with mil. reticles ( mil dot, TMR and others)and MOA adjustments.- so that reticle just follows the same path.

[/ QUOTE ]

älg, perhaps you're right, everyone has there own way for compensating bullet drop & drift and trying to get someone to change could be a task.
Re: Darrell Holland\'s ART reticle

I would not criticize the Holland reticle more than any of the very common scopes with mil. reticles ( mil dot, TMR and others)and MOA adjustments.- so that reticle just follows the same path.

[/ QUOTE ]
You know, you're right. That is so common and this certainly wouldn't be any worse. I'm sure many don't want to change away from MOA elevation clicks and if that's the case this reticle would work great.

Also, I hadn't noticed it's offered in the FFP for Leupold scopes. For anybody looking for a FFP scope over 10X, the choices are very limited. Another choice available for less than USO and S&B prices is a great thing.
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