CVA Hawken replacemenf barrel.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2019
Hello guys, as the title says, does anyone know where I can get replacement barrels for the muzzleloaders? Both of my grandfathers had these and I recently got them from my parents. Bad thing is that they were both loaded with round balls, and kept in the spare closet for a few years. I can’t get the balls out (think they’re rusted to the barrels). Or does anyone have a tip to try and get the ball out?
There is such a thing as a ball extractor. Also, there is a different one for patches. The one for balls looks like a wood screw that threads on a ramrod. For a barrel try green Mountain
Try the above methods.....if you need a new barrel, there are at least 4 on Ebay right now. Numrich may have them from time to time. Good luck! I have an old muzzleloader from my dad that I have been watching for a trigger set for.......sooner or later one will show up or I'll part it out!
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