cutting a die to make a wildcat

  • Thread starter Deleted member 46119
  • Start date

Deleted member 46119

I want to shorten a 375 RUM die to 26 Nosler length.

I'm sure I can come up with something on my own but I'd be grateful of hearing the experience of others.
I chuck them up in the lathe and use good carbide inserts on my heaviest tool to cut them and bevel all the edges then hit them with some 600 grit wet dry to give them that final polish on the edges. Any more I just have the print go to Whidden when I order the reamer and I have the correct dies show up at the same time as the reamer.
You don't care that the body will be .0025" too small and the shoulder angle different by 5°?
You don't care that the body will be .0025" too small and the shoulder angle different by 5°?

Of course I care. Just thinking. It would also push the base/web junction. Just toying with ideas.
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