Custom Turret Systems?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
The Motherlode
I placed an order about 2 weeks ago and got a invoice back via email. I assumed it would be a simple turn around time being a printed item. Have heard nothing and tried emailing lately and just get "failure to deliver" returns on my emails. Anyone had any experience with the turn around time for their product?
Let me know how they work out for you. Did you order based on 150 e tip information?
Yes got a set made for my .308 = 2,670 fps @ 60*, 5,000'

Had a second set made for my windage turrets that shows 12 MOA right and 12 MOA left.

I'll see how they do then order some for my .22 and 7RM. The windage will work for all 3 of my monarchs.
Thanks. Installed them last night and the application was very easy.

I was mostly concerned that the emails were being kicked back. Very happy with the product it arrived meeting the expectations and was easy to apply.
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