I've made use of your site countless times over the years while researching various topics of interest, but especially as I began my journey into the long range precision rifle game about 2 years ago.
It's been a wealth of information to draw from on all sorts of topics from caliber and equipment selection to tips and general shooting information. But as my skills have grown, so has my need for more targeted information, and that's why I'm here: to share what I've learned, where I can, and to ask you fine folk to help me with the information I need to continue honing my skills.
It's been a wealth of information to draw from on all sorts of topics from caliber and equipment selection to tips and general shooting information. But as my skills have grown, so has my need for more targeted information, and that's why I'm here: to share what I've learned, where I can, and to ask you fine folk to help me with the information I need to continue honing my skills.