Conquest vs PST!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
Southern Ontario
Hello all,

im looking for some advice. I have waited it out for the past few months collecting info and the time is coming where i am drawing a line and putting the money out.

Im looking for a scope that will allow me to hunt at ranges 100-500 yards, and target shoot from 100-800 yards. My price range is limited and cant go any higher then the price of these scopes. It will be put on a lighter weight 300. wsm and with the PST the gun will weigh about 8-8.5 lbs and with the zeiss it will weigh closer to 7.5-8 lbs. Not much of a difference. I understand the Glass is better on the zeiss but the feature and customer service on the pst are unbeatable.

If you had to choose either the Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14x44mm with 1" tube or the Vortex Viper PST 4-16x50mm for a long range on targets and game up too 500 yards with practice of course which would you rather. Because of the weight being so similar it doesn't matter to me on which i get cause of weight even though its a carry around hunting/target gun.
Hello all,

im looking for some advice. I have waited it out for the past few months collecting info and the time is coming where i am drawing a line and putting the money out.

Im looking for a scope that will allow me to hunt at ranges 100-500 yards, and target shoot from 100-800 yards. My price range is limited and cant go any higher then the price of these scopes. It will be put on a lighter weight 300. wsm and with the PST the gun will weigh about 8-8.5 lbs and with the zeiss it will weigh closer to 7.5-8 lbs. Not much of a difference. I understand the Glass is better on the zeiss but the feature and customer service on the pst are unbeatable.

If you had to choose either the Zeiss Conquest 4.5-14x44mm with 1" tube or the Vortex Viper PST 4-16x50mm for a long range on targets and game up too 500 yards with practice of course which would you rather. Because of the weight being so similar it doesn't matter to me on which i get cause of weight even though its a carry around hunting/target gun.

The biggest problem with the Conquest is the lack of adjustment in the turret, it the specs are good enough for the way you plan to shoot, I believe the Conquest would be hard to beat. I love the Conquest and I have used several. I have yet to look through a PST. I plan to soon though.
There's not a lot out on the Vortext Viper PST 4-16x50 in regard to reviews. Most of them are on the larger version 6-20x50.

Here's a couple that might help you though. They are not in comparison to the Zeiss that you are looking at, but rather a Weaver.

SniperCentral - View topic - Field Test: Weaver 3-15 vs. Vortex PST 4-16 & 6-24
Thoughts on Vortex Viper PST, or Weaver Tactical - AR15.COM Lite

The only thing I have been able to gather is that at least in some people's opinions, the glass in the PST 4-16x50 is a bit on the disappointing side. Otherwise, it sounds like it tracks well.
Glass on the PST is very good, and it tracks perfectly. I have done several sessions of tracking drills with my 4-16 PST and have seen no problems.
I would reccomend the PST
I have two Conquest scopes with the Rapid Z reticle and I really like them. The glass is very clear and works well in low light conditions. They have a new model with "Target" turrets (adjustable) that you can get custom dials made for.

I think one of these with the Rapid Z reticle would be just about perfect for long range hunting. I also believe Zeiss has a $50 rebate on these as well right now.
I bought conquest (4.5x16x44) 4 months ago and sent it away to have target turrets installed. Just got it back and although I havn't been able to shoot over 100 yards yet with it, I gave it a couple turns and found I have just enough adjustment to poke out to 800 yards on my .308. If I put on a 20 moa rail then its no problem to shoot further. I wouldn't worry about the adjustment. As everyone else says, the glass quality is excellent and so is the customer service although you shouldn't need it.

In my opinion you should buy the conquest and not look back. With their transferable warranty you should save yourself a couple hundred and buy one off sample list. I bought mine ($600) a sample B and it was in NIB condition. I was hesitant to buy used glass I hadn't seen but after talking to swfa and zeiss I went ahead and couldn't have been happier I did.
Another one to check out is Cameraland for the Conquest and the PST. They constantly run specials on demos and refurbs on the Conquest line. I bought two Conquests last year, one demo and one reburb. Both scopes look NIB, and function perfectly.

I just received a 6-24 FFP PST from them and look forward to giving it a thorough working with my new build.
Ziess has better glass that will assist you in hunting conditions. Vortex has some bells & whistles that are nice for target. I don't like big heavy tactical scopes on walking rifles. I would also look into a Sightron BigSky or SIII. I believe the glass is every bit as good as Ziess when I compare them side by side and they have awesome CS.

Camera Land is a great place for the Ziess & Vortex. I believe the also had a smoking deal on Leica scopes for $889...Thats a steal! it was listed on here. is a good place for sighttrons.

All this should be taken with a grain of what you feel is the best for YOU!

I am not going out on a limb to say anything but I think the Viper PST scopes are fairly lightweight....
I am not going out on a limb to say anything but I think the Viper PST scopes are fairly lightweight....

For a tactical scope this is true, but for some they may still be dimensionally cumbersome like many tactical scopes. The Zeiss with all the knobs has a slimmer profile and a few less ounces. However, there is nothing slim about the SIII with knobs on a carry rifle.

Not saying one is better than the other, just saying that if you prefer a slim profile for a carry gun, the Zeiss may be the best in that regard.
The PST is only 4 oz heavier then the zeiss. So for all the bells and whistles I believe the pst is better even if the glass is better on the zeiss
The Zeiss has everything I need to shoot long range and is very proven. As far as bells and whistles it has side focus and excellent turrets. Fantastic tracking. Excellent glass. Extremely reliable. Guess I can't see where it is lacking.As far as comparing a sightron to a zeiss well.. I 'd be going Zeiss every time.
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