1. Take you mouse and left click and hilight the text you want to quote.
2. Right click on the hilight area and the menu will dorp down.
3. Left click on "copy"
4. Go up and left click on "reply" and the reply box will open.
5. Under the reply box you wil see a box of blue letter "instant UBB Codes". Left click on "quote".
6. In the reply box will appear to boxes with "quote" in each. put the mouse cursor in between the two boxes and Right click.
7 A drop down menu will appear and LEFT click on "paste".
8. Move your cursor out from in between the boxes and you can then type your reply.
This may not bew the fastest or best way but it is how I do it.
Hopefully I got it correct between right click and left click everywhere. There is a lot of clicking to be done
I would suggest you try quoting me a few times on this thread until you get the hang of it .