CO archery elk unit 12/13


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2009
Were coming from AZ, hunting 3 days, but at least I'll be out there- so Im happy!!! Anyone have experience with these units, such as Is there cell service? Any decent bow shops if I need some help w/my gear? Or best places to get food, bugs, bears, wolves, etc? Thx not looking for spots, were hunting private land, just curious on general info
3-day bow hunt, wow......hope you can put it all together that quickly. I rifle hunted Unit 12 last year on private land......the town of Meeker will have everything you need as far as provisions go.
Yea I know... Still, I have 3 days to elk hunt. I'll be with others that'll already be up there. Theyre a couple of older crusty guys. Any idea about cell phone coverage out there?
I hunt south of there so no actual experience but with all the gas and oil activity in the last decade, cell service has improved in Western Colorado. Almost any high point has some cell service.

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