Clam Shell Brakes?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2003
Do any of you have some advice on a clam shell brake for a 300 WM? I have a Hart Brake on my rifle but it is still very dificult to see the hits on deeer sized game. I am not concerned about the noise because I wear electronic muffs.
I got a DE Brake on my 300 WM and it makes it feel like less then a 243. I can also see my hits out to 735 yards. His website says 70 bucks for them but he charged me 80 bucks for some reason. Either that or a Harrell brake. There 30 bucks. But if your shooting prone the Harrells will kick up dust and dirt. Its really all what you want to spend.
I have several different brakes that I have tried on my 300 win mag.

The OPS brake is a good one in that it doesn't kick up a bunch of dust when you shoot prone. The recoil reduction is pretty good. You won't see the hits on the deer size game unless you have a scope that is less than 15 power or so.

I have a defensive edge brake that works really well also. Seems to be comparable to the OPS brake.

I have a Gentry brake that really didn't seem to work very well. I had them leave the bottom blank so I wouldn't be kicking up dust. It is neither quiet or effective.

I have shrewd brake that is horribly loud. Ear muffs and plugs are required and then you ears still ring after a few shots.

Bottom line is the OPS, inc. and Defensive edge are the best that I have tried. I will be trying out the one Kirby makes to see if that is better. I too want to see the impact.

Good luck with your choice.
i have not used a clam shell brake but have been around then and they seem to work. i have a gentry brake and love it though the guy i bought the rifle from did not shoot prone so the bottem is open so i might get a d.e. brake to shoot prone.:D
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