Chrome Moly or Stainless Steel


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2004
Madison, WI
I was looking at some rifles and the only configuration that I like have chrome moly barrels. I've only ever used stainless steel, so I have no experience with them. Are there any advantages, disadvantages. They are Rock barrels if that is any help.

Obviously the stainless barrels are more corrosion resistant compared to the chrome moly barrels but with proper care the blued steel, with a quality blueing job is pretty weather proof.

I much prefer the stainless because of its longer throat life compared to chrome moly. Dan Lilja states that his SS barrels offer 25% longer accuracy life then his chrome moly barrels and from what I have seen, I would say that is true.

For someone dropping $1500-2500 on a custom rifle, 25% longer barrel life is a decent about more of shooting.

Accuracy wise, I have never seen any evidence that one type of steel is more accurate then the other.

Stainless Steel barrel bores can be held to slightly tighter tolerances but we are talking in the 0.0002" range over the length of the bore compared to 0.0001" for the stainless. Really nothing in the real world.

Good Shooting!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
I had a gun smith install a new chromemoly 8.5 pound 29 inch barrel on my target gun.

quote "Obviously the stainless barrels are more corrosion resistant compared to the chrome moly barrels but with proper care the blued steel, with a quality blueing job is pretty weather proof."

The barrel was also blued. I shot at a meet in the Sacramento California area. It was late fall and misting rain all day. I couldn't wait wait to get back in my truck with a heater and head three hours back home.

Without thinking i had just thrown my gun in the hard case. I must have been out shooting in acid rain because when I opened the case the next morning to clean my gun i couldn't believe the amount of tiny rust specs already starting.

I learned my lesson on continually drying and oiling the outside of the barrel. Stainless wouldn't have had this problem.
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