Cheek Piece???


Feb 23, 2010
Kearney NE
Wanting to add an adjustable cheek piece on to my Bell and carlson stock where does a guy buy one and how hard are they to install??
Karsten custom camo makes and sells his own. Google and he will pop up. If you can follow directions it takes 10 minutes
+1 on the Karsten

some masking tape and a pencil for layout, a cordless drill with a 5/16" bit, a half-ways steady hand and about 10-15 minutes and you're on your way.
I got some .093" Kydex sheet on Fleabay and made my own. I had an old stock laying around I molded the Kydex to while I was heating it with a heat gun. I used some spacers with 10-32 threads to make the insert in the stock and use stainless screws to hold it in place. I have about $10 each in my cheek pieces.
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