check my math on freebore


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2012
Hamilton, Montana
could somebody here double check my math on freebore on a reamer I'm about to order from JGS.
feel free to double check any of my figures

6.5 Rem Mag...throated specifically for the new berger 156 EOL's
goal is to have
A. base of bearing surface up into neck .010
B. .015 jump to lands

Cartridge has a neck length of .261
distance of - ogive to junction of bearing surface and boat tail .607

..607 minus (neck) .261 minus A. .010 minus B. .015 = freebore .321

could somebody here double check my math on freebore on a reamer I'm about to order from JGS.
feel free to double check any of my figures

6.5 Rem Mag...throated specifically for the new berger 156 EOL's
goal is to have
A. base of bearing surface up into neck .010
B. .015 jump to lands

Cartridge has a neck length of .261
distance of - ogive to junction of bearing surface and boat tail .607

..607 minus (neck) .261 minus A. .010 minus B. .015 = freebore .321

Is there a reason you're going with the 6.5 Rem Mag?
That math will not work because of the angle of the lead. The .188 freebore works great in the 6.5 PRC. It looks like the rem mag has around .030 less neck. Just based off those numbers I would go with .220 freebore. If it were me I would seat a bullet where you want it and send a dummy to have the reamer cut. I also have to question why not a more modern cartridge with more brass available? 6.5 PRC with magnum bolt face or 6.5x284 with standard bolt face.
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