I measured the case web expansion of the load I've been running in my 284win. These cases were on there 2nd firing when I measured the expansion. Of the 5 cases I took measurements in I got an average expansion of 0.0028". With a high of 0.0036" and a low of 0.0015". What I'm confused about, is which gigot is used to determine whether or not the load is safe and an approximate pressure. This load has had a good doped spread with an aberage across 20 shots of about 12-15fps ES with this checked several times, with 5 shots typically around 10fps. And groups well with the average 5 shot 100 yard group hovering around 0.25-0.375". Is it normal to have that much variation in web expansion? These cases havmt had the donuts removed yet. I didn't realize the reamer is for expanded necks, not sized necks. And I had already resized the cases before I discovered this. The attached images should be my case web numbers. I've been running this load for a while and got 12 loads out of my first batch of brass, which in happy with the life. So I'm not too concerned about changing my load. I'm more interested in learning to more accurately read pressure signs for load decelopment.
So what do you all think.
So what do you all think.