Case for Lr rifle on 4 wheeler


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Im taking my 4 wheeler to Colorado this year elk hunting and have a 338 edge, 28" with brake 7 contour , nfx 5.5x22 x50 scope. Colorado law i must have it cased can anyone tell me what to get to be legal and fit this gun.
Im taking my 4 wheeler to Colorado this year elk hunting and have a 338 edge, 28" with brake 7 contour , nfx 5.5x22 x50 scope. Colorado law i must have it cased can anyone tell me what to get to be legal and fit this gun.

It has been a few years sence we have hunted Colorado but we didnt have to have our rifles cased just threw over the sholder and unloaded. They must have added a new law. Make sure you wear your hunters orange while riding your four wheeler . It is not a law in my state to wear orange on the ATV but we found out the hard way in Colorado.
I figured ot would be a law, i hunted 3 years with an outfitter and he made us put our guns in hard case on his side by side so i figured it was law. Funny thing you can have your gun loaded except none in the chamber in a vehicle. Here in Md. where i live and hunt Pa. also you cant have no rounds at all in vehicle or as much shoot target over the hood or lean loaded gun against vehicle while eating lunch.
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