Cane corso wİld boar dog


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009

Just got my self a Cane Corso puppy for guard dog use against thives..! now these dogs are ment to be good at wild boar hunting. just wondering if anyone here knows how these dogs hunt ? do l just let it loose and it snifes out the boars if there is any around ? :D any experiance is welcome. lm fimiliar with small hounds that are used for wild boar hunts ( barking dogs ) but have no experiance hunting with or training a CANE CORSO to HOG HUNT.

any advise will be helpfull
just found out the answer for my question on the internet.

aparently thay are Catch dogs that are relised after the Bay dogs corner the PİG.

well l gues he will be staying in my garden to do his guarding job while l go hunting :)

seems pointles to use a catch dog to hold on to a cornered boar when you could just shoot it with a big gun after it is cornered by your bat dogs. and seems to me that the wild boar could sometimes really hurt the dog that is trying to pin it down.
I will say that they are impressive and imposing in stature as adults.
The one I knew loved almost everyone if they were friends of the owner, and quite the opposite if not welcome.
Post a pic of him if you can.
just found out the answer for my question on the internet.

aparently thay are Catch dogs that are relised after the Bay dogs corner the PİG.

well l gues he will be staying in my garden to do his guarding job while l go hunting :)

seems pointles to use a catch dog to hold on to a cornered boar when you could just shoot it with a big gun after it is cornered by your bat dogs. and seems to me that the wild boar could sometimes really hurt the dog that is trying to pin it down.

Lot of guys are catching live and selling.
Lot of guys are catching live and selling.
True and they go through a lot of dogs and spend a lot of time with dogs that are badly cut up recovering from same.

We use dogs or did in the past a great deal but only as bay dogs. Using catch dogs is hard to stomach if you care at all about your dogs.

There's a budding industry in the southern states in providing armor protection for the catch dogs.
True and they go through a lot of dogs and spend a lot of time with dogs that are badly cut up recovering from same.

We use dogs or did in the past a great deal but only as bay dogs. Using catch dogs is hard to stomach if you care at all about your dogs.

There's a budding industry in the southern states in providing armor protection for the catch dogs.
That's an awesome idea.
Corso's are awesome dogs. Just like pits, if they trust you or know you, they're big ole' lap dogs, but if they don't know you or get a bad scent...Your fixing to be in for a world of hurt. I'd love to have one, but puppies around here are ridiculously priced.
There's a guy who lives near me who has 2 Cane Corso's. They're barely athletic enough to catch a cold. I'd hesitate to let them catch a frisbee never the less a hog.
Most of the big mollosser breeds are shadows of their former selves
There's a guy who lives near me who has 2 Cane Corso's. They're barely athletic enough to catch a cold. I'd hesitate to let them catch a frisbee never the less a hog.
Most of the big mollosser breeds are shadows of their former selves

Yep, you nailed it. My buddy has a Italian cane corso and can barely sustain a quick and sprint.

If you want an athletic and fierce boar hunting dogs, check out the Karelian Bear Dogs and the Laikas ...


I have a Karelian Bear Dog, he's not trained or used in hunting big game but it's natural instinct to protect and hunt is simply amazing.

Here in in the US and other participating countries, they are used in bear and cougar conflict management/shepherding and spearheaded by the Wind River Institute in MT (Wind River Bear Institute)


Yep, you nailed it. My buddy has a Italian cane corso and can barely sustain a quick and sprint.

If you want an athletic and fierce boar hunting dogs, check out the Karelian Bear Dogs and the Laikas ...

I have a Karelian Bear Dog, he's not trained or used in hunting big game but it's natural instinct to protect and hunt is simply amazing.

Here in in the US and other participating countries, they are used in bear and cougar conflict management/shepherding and spearheaded by the Wind River Institute in MT (Wind River Bear Institute)


Beautiful dogs too.
Beautiful dogs too.

Aye Sir!

Here's my KBD Thor hunting rabbits and birds ...




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