Vintec, they are made my Meopta (there is a badge on them that says so). I've had a pair of the 10x's for a couple of years now and absolutely love them. When I purchased them I had a chance to go outside at Cabelas with multiple high end binos and test them out. I had the Swarovski SLC's, Meopta (not the Cabelas ones), Leupold Gold Ring, the higher end Pentax, Nikon and the Cabelas Euros.
Best bang for the buck in my opinion when considering weight, price and optical clarity was the Pentax which at the time was around $600 ish.
Visual differences between the Swarovski's, Meopta's and the Euro's was so minuscule I couldn't justify the extra dollars.
FWIW the Leupold Gold Rings were the worst feeling pair I have ever held. I couldn't get the eyepieces close enough together without pinching my nose.
My Euros have been from Alaska to Quebec and have never given me a problem and If you ever did have a problem with them who better than Cabelas to warranty them. The one minor irritant I do have with these is that I don't wear glasses and most of the people I go places with do so the eye cups are constantly getting twisted in and out and now they are a little loose. I've just gotten into the habit of always checking them to make sure the cups have stayed up.