Butchs Boreshine: Safe to Soak in Bore?

I have used butchs to soak barrels and had no problems you could also put some on outside of barrel probably on bottom where stock will cover it good luck
Does the product contain ammonia? I thought Butches did. If so, be cautious.

I rotted the bore of a 280 with Barnes CR-10 before they added the warning to the label to limit exposure time to 15min. The early bottle labels stated it would not harm the barrel, but saud nothing about limiting bore exposure time to less than 15min.

I left the CR-10 in the bore overnight and the next day the bore diameter looked around .257 instead of .284. Corrosion coating looked like hoar frost all over the bore surface. I gave the rest of my CR-10 to a friend after warning him of my experience.

That 280 still shoots pretty good, but the bore surface doesn't look the same.
I am a retired Science teacher, with a minor in Chemistry, with enough knowledge to be dangerous but not enough to be an expert. I also live in rainy Western Washington and have had issues with rust in firearms and barrels. Please feel free to correct me if you know more.

I have found that it is possible that oily cleaners like Butch's may not themselves cause the damage, but the ammonia in Butch's causes copper metal Cu(s) from jacketed bullets reacts with the ammonia and forms the corrosive ion Cu+2, which has the blue color, that shows up on your patches. If these active ions are not completely removed in cleaning, they will grab electrons from iron in barrel steel and the iron will then be vulnerable to oxygen, causing rust. So to translate. Clean naked iron may not be rusted by Butch's but if copper is present, even in tiny, tiny amounts, the resulting reaction will result in a rusted barrel.
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