Bushwhacked a bird


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
Fall turkey season runs concurrent to deer in oregon, so I pack around a shotgun just in case of turkeys. Yesterday while moving to a new spot I saw 3 healthy birds in a field off the side of the gravel road, and decided to stop and watch them. They were a bit skittish but didn't care too much about me, since I was 120 yards away.

I watched them walk from the trees on the far left of the picture across the hillside and behind the hump of dirt on the right, and decided I might be able to sneak in and bushwhack one of them. When they got behind the hump I bailed out with my 12 ga 870 (modified choke and federal 2 3/4" high brass #4) and booked it across the field.

I snuck up the left side of the hump, and popped up when I ran out of elevation to hide behind. All 3 birds were standing there at 30ish yards, giving me the evil eye. On instinct I popped the biggest Jake and dumped him. Not my biggest bird, but I think the funniest. I never would have guessed I could run up on a group like that and actually make it pan out.


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