Burris PosAlign offset inserts


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2012
Has anyone used these? I like the PosAlign set-up but thought I'd try the offset inserts to pick up a little more elevation without using a 1 piece canted base.
Has anyone used these? I like the PosAlign set-up but thought I'd try the offset inserts to pick up a little more elevation without using a 1 piece canted base.

I use the Burris rings and inserts on most of my rifles. You can can get quite a bit of elevation by using a set of the off-set insert in the front, rear or both. Just remember that they should be installed in sets. A +10 should be mated with a -10 in the same ring; +5 with -5 and so on.
So if I use a -10 on the bottom front and a +10 on bottom rear, that should give me about 20 MOA. Is that correct?
I use them in several rifles from 223 to 340 Weatherby. Burris Signature rings are very, very good and the inserts can be a huge help.

I wish that someone made good double dovetail bases for the Weatherby Mark V, and then I'd use them even more.
YES!!! I had problems with my Savage. Have a Vortex Viper on it and when I zeroed it at 200 yard I was left with less than 4 minutes of elevation left. Put in one of the offset inserts and now with a 200 yard zero my scope is 4 moa below its center. They definatly worked for me.
I uused these on my 6.5-06ai first I put the 20 moa base on . I still had 47 clicks to bottom out so I put a 20 & the 10 on to raise it another 10 moa
had to use both to raise scope up off of base

Pretty valuable resource you made. Thanks for posting the link.

Hey Krumfola,

Your're very welcome. I hope you find it to be useful.

I use 30mm Burris Signature Zee rings with my 300WM and mount a Horus Falcon with the H37 reticle on an EGW picatinny flat rail. The 30mm signature rings are a lot stouter than the 1 inch rings. This enables me to place them closer together than I would with regular rings. The H37 reticle inside the rigid steel body of my Horus Falcon gives me 4mils to begin with (17.4moa). Add to that the 19.3 moa with a 3.55 inch spacing (9 picatinny slots)and I get 36.7moa without having to touch my elevation adjustment.

Pretty kewl ,I'm happy with that!:D

When I get 'serious' I'll probably use a 20moa steel rail.

Gotta love this sport!!

Animo et Fide "Courage and Faith"

I'm a fan of the Signature ring inserts and use them to gain elevation in several rifles.
One little tip I have to help them grip (I had a scope slip once) is to rough up the inside slick surface a bit with sandpaper. Many have mentioned scopes holding tight, but maybe I was on the low side of ring screw torque, as it was not a huge kicker (6.5-.284). Anyway, no issues after nocking off the slick finish.
I have had no slippage issues with Burris Signature rings. The last time I used them was for mounting a big Nikon Monarch in a .338 Lapua. Again, the scope did not slip.

I have found that the rings tend to loosen.a bit during the first 15 min after tightening the cap screws. Nowadays I come back twice after 15 and 30 min and re-tighten the screws to 30 in lbs.
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