Well-Known Member
I had this reloading table built recently and I want to get some ideas from you guys on a couple things.
first: I'd like to insert a track into the top, that I can use to mount the press' and other tools. I want something fairly quick release or that I can slide the tool out of the way if I need to. Think construction rack or a recessed tie-down rack that I can put a t-nut in to attach and tighten the press. The track would allow me to mount it anywhere across the front of the table.
Either something like that or some ideas on T-Nut inserts with a quick release handle? Like a cam lock?
OK- second thing: I want to be able to mount a bunch of my tools to the peg board but everything I see are those standard dumb looking metal hooks. I've seen some storage bins mounted on Slat-wall but I cant find stuff like that for peg board>
Really open to ANY and all cool Ideas you may have!?
BTW- The table is 3' deep and 6'long. The frame is all aluminum to keep the weight down. Top frame is 3x3 square tubing. Bottom frame is 1.5" square. Legs are 1/4" beams.
should be pretty burly and solid. The front of the legs are painted in black but I think I'm going back to the raw alum look.